Reviews of Blogs

Love blogs but are tired of sifting through the crap just to find a decent one? I can help with that. More blog, less crap.

July 31, 2004

Just one; Deal with it

The Hutch Tech Blog is a really good source for info on the latest tech news. I don't know what else to say about it. You just have to go there and see. You won't be disappointed.

Review Update

The best gaming blog just got better! I am now a regular contributor to Game Diaries. If you haven't been there yet; get over there now! If you have been there, go back and check out my articles "ESPN: NFL 2K5" and "The World's Smallest FPS". Both are very good.

On another note, I might be adding some more reviews to this blog tonight.

July 28, 2004

One more blog for now.

Would you like to beef up your vocabulary to make yourself sound smarter? If you said yes check out Vocab. This blog is filled with words to help you expand your vocabulary. Kind of like a "word a day" calendar. Quite interesting.

Here's some more blogs

Iraq At A Glance is a really great blog for anyone who can't get enough news about Iraq. It has news and stories of all kinds, as well as links to various other info about Iraq. Worth a look.
Legal Theory Blog is a  blog that comments and reports on stuff about the law. A good and informative site for lawyers and those who want to be lawyers. Or even for those who are just interested in that kind of stuff so they can pretend to be all smart and better than everyone. It's not my kind of site, but there are people that like that kind of shit, so yeah.
TheoDrama is a blog about theology and art. A great site for anyone that's into that kind of thing.
And there you go. Three more blogs. I might post some more tonight, I might not. Who knows?

July 27, 2004

Busy, busy, busy

I know I haven't reviewed any blogs for a couple of days now, but I've been extremely busy. I might be doing some in a day or two, but I'm not making any promises.

July 24, 2004

Four more

St. Olaf College Democrats just started not too long ago, but the site shows promise. Check it out if you like Democrats. I'm really only mentioning the blog because of their political views.
They're just licking each other, so that's tasteful is a personal blog run by a woman in Chicago and, despite it's strange title, nobody is licking anyone in it. It is a good blog though, lots of interesting posts. She has a good sense of humor and doesn't mind pointing out her own faults.
Roger In Taiwan is a photo blog. It has pictures of various things in Taiwan, some of which are actually funny. It's worth a look, if you like looking at pictures.
Shift Delete is another blog written in a language that I can't read. It has one English post though. I think the whole site has something to do with complaining about microsoft. The English post was pretty good, not sure about the rest.

July 23, 2004

You want blogs? I got your blogs right here!

The Bastard's Blog is a really good personal blog. There is a lot of stuff to read, and it's all interesting. It's what all personal blogs should strive to be.
Pat's Real Deal Blog is a piece of shit! Seriously, STAY THE FUCK AWAY FROM THIS BLOG! I normally won't post shitty blogs like this, but I just had to warn everyone. The site is just swamped with stupid ass graphics that take a long ass time to load and then there are about 200 fucking pop-ups to deal with. In case you are wondering, the site has something to do with politics, but I didn't stick around for very long to find out for sure.
Fuck it, I was planing on reviewing a lot of sites tonight, but that last one gave me such a fucking headache so I think I'm just going to go  to bed. Just do yourself a favor and stay the Hell away from it.

Friday Afternoon Reviews

Search engine Optimization is a blog for Natural Language Processing related areas, but the guy focuses primarily on topics about search engine optimization. I'm sure it would interest someone.
So I went to Japan is about a gay guy and his trip to Japan. It has links and other things about Japan.
Well, two is enough for now.

July 22, 2004

Links, links and more links

Nova Frente is in a language that I can't read, so I don't really know what it's about. I think it has something to do with society in general. It looks like a good site, and I'm sure I would like it if I could read it, so that's why it's on here.
Go Fug Yourself is about celebrities and fashion. I don't care for either, but I'm sure someone does. Disregarding my dislike for the two; it's a good site and worh having a look at.
Transparent Eye is a spiritual blog so some kind. I don't really care for it, but this blog isn't about what I like. Some people like that spiritual stuff, and that's ok. It's just not for me.
Pete's Fishing Reports is all about fishing. The blogs deals with many aspects of fishing, but then there are also photos, polls and an events calendar. A great site.
Israel is Real is a blog all about Israel. It has links to articles and photos as well. If you ever wanted to know a little bit more about Israel then check it out. It's a very informative site and a must-see for all of you info junkies out there.
That about wraps it up until next time.

July 21, 2004

Me + Bored = More blog reviews

I Love Comix - Buck Rogers is a pretty interesting photo blog. It's not your run of the mill "pictures of people I don't know" photo blog. Instead it's a "pictures of comics that I've never seen" photo blog. Check it out, if your're into that kind of thing.
Do you like politics? Do you like baseball? How about both? If you answered yes to any of these two questions, or both, then check out Whys & Wherefores.
Slowly Going Bald has nothing to do with going bald, sorry. It does, however, have some movie reviews and "Top Ten"-ish postings. It's not a bad site.
A Violently Executed Blog is "...more fun than an alien rectal probe." Intrigued? Seriously, it's a good blog and worth taking a look at.
Artspot is a blog about art. Or at least it will be; there are only two posts on it and one link to art stuff. It does have promise though, and that's why it's here.
Hinsdale Paddle is the self-proclaimed "Unofficial site... about Hinsdale platform tennis. I have no clue what that is, but I just couldn't resist linking to it. It might say on the site, but I didn't stick around long enough to find out. If you know what it is, or if you want to find out, then go have a look.
Sweet Nothings is another personal blog. It's nothing great. The reason I placed it on here is because of something the said in the description. "...So here I am with a blog and available to you, the denizens of Literotica and Yahoo Instant Messenger." Doesn't the fact that this person even KNOWS about Literotica speak volumes? You have to read what came before the quote to fully understand what I mean. Even then you might not get it, I'm not even sure that I get it now. Wait a minute, doesn't the fact that I know about Literotica speak volumes too? Hmm, whatever, just take a fucking look.

Don't give me that look!

OK, "later tonight" turned out to be "right now", so enjoy.
New Links has a number of different links to a number of different things. Check it out, if you like link-hopping.
Jewish Musings. Well, I'm not Jewish and I'm not amused. But if you are Jewish, you might be amused. Either way it's worth a look. Seriously, it's good stuff.
See You At The Movie is a movie review blog for movies I've never even heard of. As such, it's difficult to judge it's worth. Whatever, just take a look and decide for yourself. You don't need me to hold your hand all the time.
Somebody is here, got to go.

Shameless self-promotion

Bull Pipe is the other blog that I run. Sorry, I just couldn't help myself.
I'll probably post some more blogs tonight. I don't know.

July 20, 2004

Some more blogs reviewed

57 Ways to Vegas has a few pictures of paintings on it. There isn't a whole lot there right now but, if you like pictures or art, check it out. Seems to be named after a painting.
Diary of a Grrl Geek is exactly what it sounds like: A diary of a geek, who happens to also be a girl. Not much here right now, but take a look if you like.
Do you have time to listen to me whine is ANOTHER "cookie cutter" personal blog. There are a lot of this kind of blog. It's not as bad as some of the other blogs like this. Besides that there is a lot of whining about a lot of stuff. If you like hearing people complain; check it out. It's not too bad overall.
Worlds End Audblog is an audio blog. If you like hearing people talk about stuff, check it out.

July 19, 2004

Guess what this post is about?

Europe Trip is a blog about some dudes experiences in Europe. Take a look if you want.

Sara's Frog Blog is a personal blog that just started. There are a few posts so far, but nothing major. Oh, and there is currently nothing about frogs. The template is green. Does that count? You be the judge.

The Stream of Consciousness is, according to the site, daily thoughts about various facets of life... including technology, art, science, and entertainment. After reading some of the posts, that appears to be true.

Okay, I'm sick of writing so I'm blogging off right........ now.

One more for right now

Electrical Stuff Sack is basically a favorite websites page. It has a lot of links. There are some pictures and a few rants to read too.

July 18, 2004

More blogs

I Love the Beatles is a blog about... Anybody want to hazard a guess? No? It's about the Beatles. Though there isn't much there yet. If you like the Beatles, check it out.
From the Mind of a Pez Dispenser is yet another personal blog. But it's not that bad really. I've seen worse. I don't put the pieces of shit up here though. Those are mostly the abandoned kind. I won't post those. Just as long as there active you can get the site on here. Not that that has anything to do witht this site review. Whatever.
Just two for right now. Something came up and I can't spend any more time writing. Does anyone care? I didn't think so.

Parade of blogs

Getting Crazy in Hawaii is a personal blog run by a 14 year old girl. It's just a bunch of personal stuff. Not really much there unless you are a girl and around 14. Check it out if you want to.
Lesbian World Daily News is a blog about lesbian issues. Here is the description from the site: "LESBIAN WORLD DAILY NEWS consists of daily news headlines covering various aspects of Lesbian issues world wide. I started this blog as an attempt to educate myself concerning lesbian issues after coming to terms with my own sexuality on March 19,2004. I am proud to say I am a lesbian and have a strong desire to educate myself on the lesbian issues and the lesbian community. I hope this blog helps new lesbians like myself, as well as those who have been lesbians for a long time." So, check it out if you're into that kind of thing.
Big Boy is a photo blog. If you like looking at pictures of people you don't know then go ahead and check it out.
Bursting with Fruit Flavor is yet another personal site. It is kind of funny though. Worth checking out.
Okay, I have shit that needs to be done, so that's all for now. I had a lot more, but as I said on Bull Pipe "The fucking computer froze up on me and I lost everything that I was workin on." I need to save my work more often.

July 17, 2004

Tonight's reviews

Scrutiny Hooligans is a site that has a bunch of stuff about John Kerry and Bush. The posts are interesting enough and are usually accompanied with links to further information.
Technicolour Nightmare is a personal blog maintained by a girl in Australia. It just has a bunch of personal thoughts and feelings and the normal "cookie cutter" blogging routine seen on various blogs. That's not to say it's a bad blog, because it's not. I read one post and then I wanted to read more. So it does have entertainment value. And while being "cookie cutter" it's one of the more hard to find shapes, so it's a good site all around.
Shalom (from the site) Comments on life in general and my life in particular. Random bits of info about me? I'm an Aussie. I have three grandchildren, although really, I am nowhere near old enough to have grandchildren! I am trying to decide if I have the stamina to start a doctorate. I have degrees in Theology(Hons.),Arts, Dip.Min.(Hons)Dip.Ed. and a Dip. Agric. I'm a volunteer for Scripture Union with Senior High kids and for the last two years have been the speaker at their week long conference.

Okay, that's all for this edition. What did you expect? It's getting late.

First Reviews

These first few reviews also appear on my other blog Bullpipe. But from now on reviews of sites will only be posted on this blog.

OK. Here is a bunch of blogs that I made my way to:

Game Diaries is a blog that just started, but it has some posts on it that deal with everything gaming. The staff is friendly enough and they know what they are talking about. If you're into gaming it's definitely worth adding to your favorites list. And even if you aren't into gaming; take a look, they just might change your mind. UPDATE: I am now a contributor to this site. It has grown in quality with a new site design as well. If you haven't seen this site yet, do so now. It is really good.

The American Journal is a sharp and witty look at politics and it's creator is a literary genius. The posts are insightful and straight to the point. There's no sugar-coating here and that's what I love about it. And when I posted a comment I received a reply containing his thanks for the comment and a very helpful link to more info on the post. I'm not really into politics, but I just can't get enough of the site. It's dripping with professionalism and a true passion for this country. It's the essence upon which this country was founded and I'm glad I came across it.

Psephite is a look at politics in Australia. It has nothing to do with me, but someone might find it interesting.

Todd's site is a blog run by a middle distance runner. You can find various posts related to health and fitness, as well as the sports world. It's still a relatively new site.