Reviews of Blogs

Love blogs but are tired of sifting through the crap just to find a decent one? I can help with that. More blog, less crap.

July 20, 2004

Some more blogs reviewed

57 Ways to Vegas has a few pictures of paintings on it. There isn't a whole lot there right now but, if you like pictures or art, check it out. Seems to be named after a painting.
Diary of a Grrl Geek is exactly what it sounds like: A diary of a geek, who happens to also be a girl. Not much here right now, but take a look if you like.
Do you have time to listen to me whine is ANOTHER "cookie cutter" personal blog. There are a lot of this kind of blog. It's not as bad as some of the other blogs like this. Besides that there is a lot of whining about a lot of stuff. If you like hearing people complain; check it out. It's not too bad overall.
Worlds End Audblog is an audio blog. If you like hearing people talk about stuff, check it out.


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