Reviews of Blogs

Love blogs but are tired of sifting through the crap just to find a decent one? I can help with that. More blog, less crap.

October 28, 2005


Operation Eden is a personal blog about Hurricane Katrina. Photos and thoughts of someone who lives there.

October 14, 2005

Simply put: Blogs

Game Girl Advance: I love this site. Contains news and opinions about games. There is a lot I could say about it, but I think you would be better served by just going there and seeing for yourself.

Christine Lean is a pretty good personal blog. It's worth a look.

Checkmark Art is a blog with some great character art. Check it out.

More shameless self promotion

I have a new site up, The Bull Pipe Web Portal, which allows access to all the sites in the Bull Pipe family.

October 12, 2005

The first step is admitting you have a problem

ĐєVãŗäĴ: Because you know you like looking at pictures.

Enlightenment & Compositions: Pictures of flowers, for those of you who like pictures of flowers. Not actual flowers, just pictures. I'm going to get a vase.

我的網絡日誌: Your guess is as good as mine. Stories of some kind, I think.

Pictures: Exactly what the title suggests. I'm sensing a theme here.

Jess's Blog: I really hope you guys like pictures. Seriously, I'm not really finding much of anything else tonight.

Glosoli: Hey, at least it has SOME posts without pictures.

Brandeburg's Daily: Because people REALLY DO like to live their lives vicariously through someone else's pictures.

Juvenile Pilocytic Astrocytoma (JPA): For parents and anyone else who wants info on JPA, a benign pediatric brain tumor. Blogs and websites like this can really help inform families who don't know where to turn; so visit, let them know they have an audience and insist they keep updating the site.

Okay, I'm done.

If you haven't figured it out by now, you never will

Caro Goes Japan is a diary blog about some girl's upcoming trip to Japan. Good place to go if you want to get an inside scoop on cultural differences.

Lame' LA is a fairly good photo blog. Personally, I don't like looking at pictures of people I don't know, but some people do. So, go here, if you are one of them.

The Penalty Box: Just visit, you won't be disappointed. Very funny.

Happie Wappy Tracy Wacie or Your Title Here. A blog of two names? I don't know. It's a pretty good personal blog with photos and random thoughts. Check it out.

Have you ever asked yourself "What music would be great for my kids"? If you said yes, check out Zooglobble: Children and Family Music Reviews. It's just what the title says it is.

October 11, 2005

Update on a blog

Last year I posted a blog on my site here, a very good blog called Go Fug Yourself. They have moved to a dot com address here. If you haven't seen the site when it was on blogspot, do so now. It's really good.

I've been going thourgh a lot of my old links, I think I might end up having to make a post with a lot of updates to it. Some of the blogs appear to be abandoned. Well, even still they are all great sites and you can read them up to were the webmaster stoped posting. The whole major update thing really depends upon just how many of the blogs I'm linked to are abandoned. I will, however, post updates to the one who have moved to a different address for sure. If I find any more.

ONE blog, damn I'm lazy

Las Fashionistas is a great blog with movie reviews, celebrities, fashion and other things. Very witty and always interesting.

Shameless self promotion

It's not a blog, but I'm posting it anyway. At the Bull Pipe forums you can find info and links to various paranormal topics. It's still a young forum, I started it last week, but I have a bunch of stuff on there already. Check it out.

More Blogs

This Is Not Art: Various photos taken by goers of the 2005 This Is Not Art festival. Send in your own photos from the festival for a chance to win prizes.

More Than Life is a pretty good personal blog. I don't agree with everything on the site, but it's still very good.

Thorougbred Blog: A "look at the issues and personalities of within the thoroughbred racing industry in America and the world." That's what the site officially says. My take on it? It's good, but only if you like horses or horse racing.

A Life In Color is a pretty good photo blog.

Thats about all for tonight. Seriously, go to bed.

October 09, 2005

A good blog for ya

Phuek is a photo blog with numerous pictures of a toy or something named Phuek. It's pretty interesting though.

October 04, 2005

So many blogs, so little time

Do you like to knit? Then check out Learning to Knit. Plenty of stuff here to keep you busy for a while.

Your Golden Retriever Information is a resource blog about Golden Retrievers. All articles pertain to Golden Retrievers in some way. Lots of links and info.

Whispering Pine: Another knitting blog, but it also has posts about other topics as well. A very well done blog. Check it out.

Joy in Panama appears to be a photo blog of various places and people in Panama. Looks pretty good.

What's In My Box is a rather interesting experiment on Spam. Not the kind you eat, but the kind you find in your e-mail. It's a great idea and I look forward to seeing how it all plays out.

October 03, 2005

Just keeping myself busy...

Bigfoot's Blog is written by somebody pretending to be Bigfoot. It's a good blog, but retarded. In a good way though. Seriously, take a look.

The Nebula Blog is a pretty decent personal blog. Worth a look.

Here's something different. But I Want An Interesting Job. A blog that lists numerous interesting jobs, with descriptions for each. A breath of fresh air, for sure.

佐治仔的部屋: I saw pictures, that's the only thing I could make out. Still, it looks to be interesting, and for the sake of diversity, I'm posting it. Go. Look at the pictures. You like pictures, right?

部落格~我的想法、情緒及生活記事: Diversity, live with it.

The Padacia: This is a cool site. Awesome photos. Check it out.

Cynical Idealistic Eyes: This site was originally in the don't visit part, but seeing as how the pop-ups that were making my computer crash was not the fault of the webmaster, I moved it to the do visit part of this post. If anything, I'm fair. My apologies to Cynical for the mix up.

Okay, now for some blogs that piss me off.

Dance with me is really annoying. Is the music necessary?

Tru5t M3: I seriously wanted to hang myself.

She: Enough to make a person go blind. Trust me on this one, don't visit this link.

TVB... On the Spot: I think I lost consciousness for a minute.

I can't read any of the things on Bicara Bersama Pak Ngah, but it pisses me off anyway.

Okay, that about wraps things up. 'Til next time.

A quickie

Alexa - Web Discovery Machine is a blog about search engines, browsers, tech trends and various other things. A must see.

Get 'em while they're hot

3x5 is a journal blog of Jay, a Red Cross volunteer deployed to Baton Rouge, Louisiana to help in the recovery efforts after Hurricane Katrina.

Demagogue is a well thought out political blog, for democrats, but anyone can enjoy it. Worth taking a look at.

October 02, 2005

Notice to visitors

Looking through blog after blog just to find the few good ones is a pain in the butt, therefore, if you would like to join the Reviews of Blogs team send me an e-mail. Or if you know of a site that should be posted here, send me an e-mail with a link to the blog you would like reviewed.

Here's some more

Celeb dish is a celebrity gossip blog. A good site if you like keeping up-to-date on celebrity crap.

PiratePundit: A REAL news site. 'Nuff said.

La Felice Vita in South America is a blog written in a language that I can't read, but it has pictures. Could be interesting.

ba yade to zendeam: I don't know what is written on this blog, I can't read it. But I'm posting it anyway.

Totally Obvious is a rather funny blog about things that are obvious, or at least should be. Check it out.

Blue Ribbon Photos is a photo blog. Nice, if you like looking at pictures of people you don't know and places you haven't been and things that aren't yours.....

You want 'em? You got 'em.

Am I bugging you yet? A very interesting site for all you bug nuts out there. Numerous pictures with accompanying notes. A good site even if you hate bugs.

Like Indian food? Take a look at Hooked on Heat for a number of tasty recipes. Makes me hungry just reading it.

Trial Logs: From site: Trial Logs is currently covering the government's prosecution of those who question the application of the income tax laws.

Fotos e Factos de Samora Correia appears to be a photo site in a language I can't read. You can look at the pictures though.

Bull Pipe is my other blog. Shameless self-promotion.

Okay, five new links. Go look. Now.