Reviews of Blogs

Love blogs but are tired of sifting through the crap just to find a decent one? I can help with that. More blog, less crap.

October 02, 2005

Here's some more

Celeb dish is a celebrity gossip blog. A good site if you like keeping up-to-date on celebrity crap.

PiratePundit: A REAL news site. 'Nuff said.

La Felice Vita in South America is a blog written in a language that I can't read, but it has pictures. Could be interesting.

ba yade to zendeam: I don't know what is written on this blog, I can't read it. But I'm posting it anyway.

Totally Obvious is a rather funny blog about things that are obvious, or at least should be. Check it out.

Blue Ribbon Photos is a photo blog. Nice, if you like looking at pictures of people you don't know and places you haven't been and things that aren't yours.....


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