Blogging in the Rain
Life with a 2004 Jaguar X-Type is brand new blog, only a few days old, about owning a 2004 Jaguar X-Type. Very interesting. is a funny and interesting personal blog. Enjoyable and entertaining.
Bloggen om mitt liv som mej själv is a foreign language blog. What language? Swedish. I don't know what the blog says, but I'm willing to bet that it's some kind of personal/political blog.
Three for now. I have to go.
One more for tonight
Marc's NBA News has all the latest news and info about the NBA. A good blog for fans of basketball.
More than one today
Requested Links is a blog with various links to sites around the internet. You can find links to news, music, movies and a bunch of other things.
I'm in Spain is a pretty good photo blog of Spain.
AnalPhilosopher is a blog about philosophy from a professor of philosophy. Although some of the posts are leaning more toward the political end of the blogosphere spectrum. Although there is such a thing as Political Philosophy, so I guess it fits in. Anyway, it's a good blog and worth a read.
Art & Cultural Events List is a list of upcoming events for art and culture in the Boston area.
Okay, that does it for today. I might post more tonight.
Just one, sorry
Search Engine Lowdown is a news blog about search engines. Has posts related to search engine marketing and a bunch of stuff about Google. A pretty good site.
Not exactly a big update, but I'm very busy. One was all I had time for. Sorry.
You know the drill
Mimi's Diary is the official blog of Mimi Miyagi, a model from Las Vegas. The posts are from the interesting and from the heart. I found myself wanting to read more. There are also some very good pictures, but the real gold is in the posts. Go there.
Fiat Mihi seems to be a religious blog of sorts. All the posts that I read had a religious theme to them. Seems pretty interesting, but I'm not really into religion.
Wockerjabby is a great personal blog with really great posts and some great photos too. Everyone should at least give this blog a look, it's worth it.
Marketing & the Meaning of Life is, obviously, about marketing. The posts all have something to do with advertising and marketing. It's actually more interesting than it sounds. I found out stuff that I didn't know before reading this blog, that's always good. The point is that it's worth your time to go there and check it out.
The Education Wonks is a blog about education and other stuff. It's mostly for parents and people in the teaching community, but anyone can read it. I highly recommend that you do too. It's a pretty good blog with interesting and seemingly unintentionally funny posts.
Well, I guess that about wraps things up for tonight.
Sunday Blogging
AverageMom is a personal blog of a 30-something mother. It's funny and interesting. There are some situations that only a mother can find herself in. Take a look and see what I mean.
Nesta Pronto is a personal blog for a band by the same name. Has some pictures too. Check it out.
Myndir úr hversdagslÃfi Sice og Sigurdórs is a
photo blog. I don't know what the captions say, but the pictures are good. Take a look if you like photos.
Well, three is all I got for you tonight. It's not a lot, but it'll have to do. I didn't have a lot of time to review more because I have some other matters to attend to.
I have no life: Bad news for me, good blogs for you
Tungpo's Diary is a personal blog written in, I think, Chinese. A good blog to visit if you can read Chinese(if it is Chinese).
One Great Pawn Shop is another blog written in Chinese, I think. Might be good. Maybe I should just stick to English sitess? But that wouldn't be fair...
Here is another one called Sherpamax. Three in a row, that's a first. This one looks interesting too. Too bad I can't read it...
To My Future Husband is a really interesting blog. It is a diary to a person that might not even exist. It's weird, but in a good way. Check it out.
Rex Monday is about traveling and stuff. It's a good blog. I think he really likes ukuleles. It's interesting.
The Stark Raving Viking is a some-what politically focused personal blog that I would have to highly recommend people visit. Very good.
So there you go. Check them out. One other thing: I feel bad that I didn't give I'm Prepared To Give Up At Any Time
my highest recommendation yesterday due to the fact that it isn't bi-lingual, so I'm going to give it that honor today, even though I didn't review it today. You should not underestimate how funny this site is. If you didn't visit it yesterday, do so today. You won't regret it.
1 more
Rick Onslow's Amp Talk is about amps. Check it out.
Blogs: Hot and Fresh
Draft Watch is a good blog to read if you are concerned about a possible draft taking place. Has news and related links.
My Day To Day B.S is a personal blog. Posts range from general thoughts to photos. It's a pretty good blog and worth a read.
No More Apples is a good political commentary blog. Funny and informative.
Three is all I'm going to do for now. Bye.
Who wants blogs?
I Am Prepared to Give Up At Any Time is a very funny personal blog. All the posts are funny and interesting. This is a must see blog.
The Smoke Filled Room is yet another political blog. There are a lot of these this year. This one isn't too bad though. It's also about law. Check it out if you want.
Drakensburg is a blog about the modern world. The blog is fairly new, but it is an interesting concept. Worth a look.
Wearing That Prozac Smile is another very funny personal blog. I laughed my ass off after reading a couple posts. You really need to visit this blog. Some posts are in English, some are in Spanish and some are both. A really great blog.
What's Happening At CNN. OK, this is a somewhat strange blog. It's news about CNN. How can anyone be so obsessed about CNN? I don't know, but it is a good source of information if you want to keep up to date about CNN.
So there you have it. 5 more blogs to check out. However, if you only want ONE really good blog to read, I would have to highly recommend Wearing That Prozac Smile. It is the best of this post's blogs.
Thursday's blogs
Communication Devices is a blog about electronics. It isn't the greatest of its kind, but it's good for something to read.
Forwarding Address: OS X is a blog where a bunch of people talk about issues related to migrating to OS X from older versions of operating systems like the Classic MacOS and older versions of Windows. Lots of helpful information with tips and how-to advise. Great for those new to Apple's newest operating system.
Ncsyndicate is kind of a political blog. Seems to be a Bush supporter. The blog needs work, but it's an ok blog for political enthusiasts.
Legal NewsWatch is a blog with news about legal matters. Sounds vague, but there isn't really any other way to describe it. It's news about laws and stuff. Just take a look, you'll see what I mean.
That's enough for now. I'll post more later. Maybe.
Digital Photodump is a blog about photography. Has some helpful hints and tips if you are new to photography.
Gastric Reflux Disease is another blog from the Digestive Health resources web directory. Not much different then the Acid Reflux Disease blog they have. Useful information.
I think Going East is about traveling around Asia. The blog is written in German, or maybe even Dutch. I'm not too sure. Only a small portion of what is there is understandable to me. I know there is camping and hotels somewhere in there. I think it's German. Anyway, check it out.
Maritime Homeland Defense & Port Security is a blog about exactly what it sounds like. A good blog to check out, if you like ulcers.
And that does it for this edition. As always, if you have a recommendation for a blog, just e-mail me and I'll check it out.
A small update
It has come to my attention that The Testimony has gone through some changes since I last visited. It is now called And God Said...., and some improvements have been made to the overall presentation of the blog. If you haven't visited this site yet, you should. It has a religious tone, but it's more how religion plays a role in her life: work, raising children; that sort of thing. It was a good site before, but now it's a great site. Check it out.
Monday night blogging
Political Questions 2004 is a basic political commentary site. A decent site if you actually give a rat's ass about the election.
No Agenda is a personal blog, but a good one. It's not the best one that I've come across, but there are some things there that most should find entertaining. A good blog to visit if you like prying into other people's lives.
My Life, Or Something Like It is a personal blog with various thoughts on just about everything. The posts are well thought out and insightful. Some might find it a bit boring, but there are some gems in here. At any rate, it is a very well done blog and deserves a look.
Party Pics is a photo blog with pictures of some party. I could care less, but someone might find it interesting. Then again, maybe not.
The Sports Grinder is mostly about sports, but other topics, like politics, are touched upon. A good enough site for sports fans.
Gardening With My Grandchild is a photo blog with pictures of gardening. It's an ok site. Visit if you want, some people really like looking at pictures, so if you are one of them, have fun.
Ok, that's plenty for tonight. I want to watch the rest of CSI: Miami.
I forgot to mention...
One other thing. Bullpipe, my other blog, doesn't exist anymore. I deleted it and I don't plan to revive it. I also haven't been writing for Game Diaries for a while now, so if you enjoyed my articles there, sorry. I don't know if I'm going to write anything for that blog anymore. My time is being used up by other things lately and I want to focus primarily on this blog. Still, I might write something for them sooner or later, but don't hold your breath.
A long overdue update
Yeah, I know. It's been a while since I updated this blog, but I've been very busy with other things. Other websites and such, but here is an update, along with a new look for Reviews of Blogs. It isn't a drastic change, but whatever.
Weight Lifting Resources is a blog about weight lifting. It has general information on the do's and don'ts of weight lifting, plus many helpful articles for anyone interested.
Ozzy Moron, despite its name, is not about Ozzy Osbourne. No, instead it is about political opinions and the state of the world in general. It isn't a bad site but, due to some of its content, will surely upset some people. If it interests you, check it out. Just don't say I didn't warn you.
Arts and Crafts is just a bunch of links to arts and crafts related resources. Not really useful unless you like that kind of thing.
Critical Condition is just a blog with personal opinions about various subjects. Some of the stuff is interesting, should be good if all your looking for is to kill some time.
Acid Reflux Disease is a good blog to check out if you have Acid Reflux Disease. Contains various info and links to general information about the disease. This blog does have a lot of ads though, but at least the ads are for related problems, so they too could be helpful. Worth a look.
Lies, Damn Lies, and Employment Statistics is actually a book. It's the unedited first drafts of the upcoming book of the same name. It is informative and worth a look, unless you don't really care about employment statistics. I found it interesting though.
Well, I think that is enough for tonight. As always, don't blame me for the content within these blogs if you don't like them. I just list them, I don't own them.